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The Blockchain is a technological marvel where the possibilities are infinite. There have been few technologies that have garnered as much excitement and confidence as the distributed ledger. Its’ potential applications are innumerable in an interconnected world. In blockchain, we have a solution to the problem of trust and to the costs of the intermediary. This is truly a watershed moment. The eyes of the world are transfixed, keenly watching this technological revolution unfold.

Our Firm makes a conscious effort to remain on the cutting edge of technology. It is therefore no surprise that we were one of the first legal industry players to acknowledge and embrace the technological revolution ushered in by the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. Taking into account the unique and avant-garde demands of this industry, we have an entire department devoted to serve the needs of our clients in this sector, or those that are curious about it.

Our team is well represented in Ugandan, East African and African Fintech, AI and Blockchain spaces so that our clients are, through us, at the forefront of this nascent technological revolution.

We regularly advise industry regulators, fintechs, and other industry players on all manner of legal matters related to this sector including but not limited to:

  • The policy considerations and practical issues to be faced in passing a given law, rule, regulation and/or guideline.
  • The Legal and Regulatory requirements to meet before joining the industry and later as a player in the sector.
  • Providing counsel on the legal aspects of implementing Blockchain technology in business operations.
  • Providing tax planning and advisory services in the scope of Blockchain and AI applications.
  • Providing dispute resolution services for AI and Blockchain related disputes.
  • M&A in this unique space.
  • Other related matters like Data Protection, Privacy considerations and Competition law.

Our firm works closely with other organisations in this sector and has a close association with the Africa Legal Tech Association.

Our practice and our clients’ businesses have grown at an exponential rate as the public opens up to these new technologies.

Key Contacts

Alice Namuli Blazevic
Associate Partner
Sim K. Katende