TMT Alert: What you should know about the draft Data Protection & Privacy Regulations, 2020

By: Alice Namuli Blazevic, Patrick Mugalula and Andrew Wandera BACKGROUND: Joe Kaeser, the current Chief Executive Officer of Siemens is quoted as having stated, “Data is the oil, some say the gold, of the 21st century — the raw material that our economies, societies and democracies are increasingly being built on.” With the ubiquitous spread...
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Creative arts need self regulation

By: Louis Lwanga Media reports have been awash with debate over the recent Uganda Communication Commission regulations that affect the entertainment industry. The regulators were “suspended” by the minister of ICT after an uproar.These regulations were passed last year and it is alarming that the public perceive that they are only coming to light now....
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Employment Law Alert: Court of Appeal decision expounds on implications of unlawful dismissals on salary loans and more

By: Patrick Mugalula The Industrial Court is a specialized court established to determine employment matters in Uganda. In 2014, one of the matters heard by the Court was Florence Musumba vs. Uganda Development Bank Labour Dispute Claim 138 of 2014. Some of the findings of the Court included: the distinction between dismissal and termination of...
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Tax Alert: An overview of Uganda’s stimulus package included in Uganda’s National Budget FY 2020/2021 and amendments to the tax laws

On 11th June 2020, the Minister of Finance, Honorable Matia Kasaija delivered the budget speech for financial year 2020/2021 which covered among other things, the much anticipated economic stimulus package to help Ugandan businesses counter the negative effects of the Corona Virus Pandemic. In our usual custom, we have analyzed the budget speech for you,...
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Four KATS lawyers ranked by Chambers 2020

John Katende, Professor Edward Ssempebwa, Sim Katende and Alice Namuli Blazevic have been lauded by Chambers and Partners Global Guide to the World’s Leading Law Firms (the most renowned legal directory in the world). Chambers released its’ global legal rankings on the 13th February, 2020 stating: Founding partner John Katende, who the Publication notes, is a highly...
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